Guitar Amp Speakers

The Science of Guitar Amp Speakers

The guitar amp speaker is a crucial component in the signal chain of electric guitar amplification, serving as the final link between the electrical signal and the audible sound waves that reach our ears.

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Balanced and Unbalanced Audio Interfaces

Balanced and Unbalanced Audio Interfaces

Understanding the differences between balanced and unbalanced interfaces, and best practices for interconnecting balanced and unbalanced equipment, is important for achieving optimal audio performance and minimizing noise issues.

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Teletronix LA-2A

Optocouplers make nice compressors

An optical coupler, also known as an optocoupler or opto-isolator, can indeed be an excellent component in an guitar/bass pedal compressor circuit, particularly in the gain reduction stage. The primary reason for its suitability lies […]

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Buffered input stage

The Importance of Buffered Input and Output Stages

When discussing guitar pedals, one often overlooked yet crucial aspect is the presence of buffered input and output stages. These seemingly simple components play a vital role in maintaining signal integrity and preserving your guitar’s tone throughout the signal chain.

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Bass Pickups

Passive vs Active Bass Guitars

Two main types of bass guitars dominate the market: passive and active. This article will explore the technical differences between these two types and their impact on sound and playability.

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